2018 Conference Registration
September in Santa Fe:
NMANA Anesthesia Conference 2018
Affordable Tuition Rates!This program is being submitted for prior approval to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 20.00 Class A CE Credits: Code Number pending; Expiration date 9/9/2018.
Early Bird Rates end August 1, 2018
Full attendance rates increase $50Daily rates increase $10/day
Conference Rates At-the-doorFull attendance rates increase and additional $50Daily rates increase an additional $10Donate
2016 Annual Conference Registration Information
Attention potential attendees wanting to attend this year's NMANA conference...
New Conference Registration Options are now available!!!
The following registration options and pricing are now available:
- Saturday program only is now $309.00
- Saturday and Sunday program option is now $721.00
- Full conference option is $927.00
THEME: Ultrasound CEUs: 16 Dates: October 7-9, 2016 Agenda: [Click Here] Location: Hyatt Tamaya Resort and Spa [Click Here] Rooms from $199.00. Cocktail Party: [Click Here] for more information about this event. Please Note: Early Bird conference registration fees have been extended to September 9, 2016.