Section 1.  General.

Unless otherwise provided by resolution by the Board of Directors of the Association and otherwise in accordance with Section 53-8-15 of the Nonprofit Corporation Act of New Mexico, elections shall be held by mail ballot. Only active members shall be eligible for nomination.

Section 2. Ballot mailing.

Ballots shall be mailed to members at least four (4) weeks prior to the annual meeting and shall be marked and returned to the Secretary of the Association not later than one (1) week prior to the annual meeting. In the event of a tie vote by mailed ballot, the tie may be broken by written ballot at the annual meeting by a majority vote of those members present, provided there is a quorum.

Section 3.  Candidate consent.

Written or electronic mail consent of a candidate must be obtained before their name may be placed on a ballot. Additional nominations, with nominee’s written or electronic mail consent may be sent to the chairman of the nominating committee, postmarked no later than the first day of the second month preceding election of officers.

Section 4. Ballot content.

The ballot shall contain the names of Directors as stated in Article 6. Section 1. herein.