PayPal is currently accepting Visa, MasterCard, Discover for conference registrations. PayPal is NOT accepting American Express at this time.
Please make checks and money orders payable to NMANA and mail with a completed registration form to 2424 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Suite 220, Albuquerque, NM 87110.
NMANA Member Registration:
*A 3% credit card processing fee will be added to online registrations
Conference Only: $700.00*
Workshop Only: $200.00*
Weekend-Only: $500.00*
Workshop & Conference: $900.00*
Non-NMNANA Member Registration After July 31:
*A 3% credit card processing fee will be added to online registrations
Conference Only: $800.00*
Workshop Only: $250.00*
Weekend Only: $550.00*
Workshop & Conference: $1050.00*